Today, our little man is 40 weeks old! (Thanks to the weekly emails otherwise I wouldn't know the week count!) Which means, he's almost been outside as long as he was inside. Since he was a week late, we'll celebrate that next week... by taking him to Mexico. Just kidding, we're going for Thanksgiving!
Since I skipped the 8 Month Stats, let's do those first. So at 8 months, Adrian:
- wears size 2 to 3 diapers
- wears size 6 mth and 6-9 mth clothes
- discovered his high pitch squeal (and shared it with everyone on the plane)
- rocking back and forth on all fours and would really like to crawl
- took his first flight (Sept 30th) to San Francisco for Aunty Grace's Wedding to Uncle Kyle
- went to your first wedding (Sept 29th) Jason & Melanie
- got your top tooth - mid Oct and now your second top tooth is coming in as well.
- First ear infection :( a small one
Okay, it's a small list, but that cover the 8th month!
9 Months!
-18.2 lbs (24%) and 29" long (78%)
- Wears size 3 diapers
- Wears size 6, 6-9, and 9 month clothes
- Eczema is finally under control!! Medicine then Aveeno lotion, then vasoline. His elbows are the best they've look in months!
- CRAWLING!! Started on 11/4 by crawling a few inches to Momma, now if he wants to get somewhere he will. Mom and Dad are really having to watch him since we haven't done all the baby-proofing as needed.
- Dying to stand!
- Loves his bath and is now experimenting with putting his face under water. We start swim lessons tomorrow!
- He's mastered his growl and is always jabbering.
- Very inquisitive. We can tell when he's thinking hard about something or trying to figure something out.
- Eats 2 veggies and 2 fruits a day in addition to wheat cereal and ~25 oz of breastmilk!
- Starting to show some stranger anxiety and a preference for a parent at specific times.
- Awesome kiddo!
-No longer being swaddled to sleep but still loves Monkey. We's started sleeping with a blanket at night to keep warm since the temps are beginning to drop.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
Halloween 2012
I know.. I missed the 8 month old post. But I have a list of things Adrian was doing at 8 months and I'll just combine 8 and 9 months into one post.
A few weeks prior to Halloween, we went to the pumpkin patch near us (an annual tradition) and picked out the pumpkins. A got the play in the dirt, explore pumpkins, and overall have a great time!
Halloween 2012 = awesome! I had not been this excited for Halloween in a while. My mom made Adrian's costume and as usual, she's amazing!! Adrian was a dragon! We worked on his "ROAR" for weeks and he got pretty good at it, but didn't share it with anyone on Halloween.
Our church hosts Fall Fest every year for kiddos, so we took Adrian. He was a bit to little this year to participate in many of the activities, but next year will be great! Jumping castles, train rides, truck or treat, games.. etc!
I carved pumpkins the Sunday prior while A was napping and he got to help me finish. He thought using the pumpkin pieces to chew on was pretty great :)
Halloween night we took him to a few neighbors to say hi, but didn't trick-or-treat. He helped us answer the door and greet the kiddos in the neighborhood.
A few weeks prior to Halloween, we went to the pumpkin patch near us (an annual tradition) and picked out the pumpkins. A got the play in the dirt, explore pumpkins, and overall have a great time!
Raspberries with Dada
Picking his pumpkin!
Halloween 2012 = awesome! I had not been this excited for Halloween in a while. My mom made Adrian's costume and as usual, she's amazing!! Adrian was a dragon! We worked on his "ROAR" for weeks and he got pretty good at it, but didn't share it with anyone on Halloween.
Costume debut at Fall Fest
I carved pumpkins the Sunday prior while A was napping and he got to help me finish. He thought using the pumpkin pieces to chew on was pretty great :)
First Pumpkin... "1st Boo"
All the pumpkins.. a bat, traditional face, and "1st Boo"
Greeting the neighborhood kids
Halloween night we took him to a few neighbors to say hi, but didn't trick-or-treat. He helped us answer the door and greet the kiddos in the neighborhood.
Friday, September 14, 2012
7 Months!
Adrian is 7 months and I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone. On one hand, I can't believe he is already 7 months, but on the other hand it seems like he's been here forever. I don't know what we did before he was in our lives. I'll warn you, this is a little picture heavy as I've included some favorites from his 6 month photo shoot!

He also cut his first tooth on Sept 3 2012! The bottom center left tooth. (Update - 9/10/12 - got his 2nd tooth!) Now he wakes up at night needing a teething tablet and his paci to help his gums. But he goes back to bed pretty quickly.
At 7 Months:
- Adrian weighs 17 lbs, 2 oz. Not sure of his length.
- Wears size 6 month clothes. Some 3-6 and 6-9 month fit
- Wears a size 2 diaper and sleeps in a size 3
- Eating solid foods! He LOVES rice cereal and also eats sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, and peas.
- Still breastfed at everymeal (or has a bottle of breastmilk)
- Talks all the time... Amamamama and Bababababa
- Loves to laugh
- Grabbing everything!
- Loves to look around - its getting harder to distract him from the things we don't want him playing with.
- Loves his exersaucer
- Still swaddled at night and for some naps
- Takes 2, 2-2.5 hour naps a day.
In addition to the monthly updates, I want to document our daily schedule:
6am - Wake up and eat

7:30am - Leave for daycare/work
while at daycare: 8:30am - bottle (3-4 oz)
9am - 11am nap (sometimes longer)
12:30 pm - bottle (8-12 oz)
2pm - 4pm nap
4:30pm - bottle (3-4 oz)
5pm - pick up from daycare
6:15pm - dinner time: nurse, veggie then rice cereal
7:30 pm - bedtime: Atopiclair, lotions, PJs, Good-night animals, book, swaddle, bed. He doesn't fuss at all when it's time to sleep.
Some of my favorite 6 Month Photos:
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Monkey! |
Dad, you're tickling me!
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Okay, Mom. I'm about done with pics! |
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Little Man is 6 Months!
Our little man turned 6 months old over the weekend and to celebrate, he got his first ear infection and is now on antibiotics. Not awesome - he does not enjoy taking his 5ml twice a day and Mom and Dad do not enjoy that it's a bright orange color. Who decided that bright orange was a good idea for a color of medicine that infants will drool out, spit out, and otherwise make a mess of??
Onto bigger better moments, Adrian weighed in at 16lbs 8ozs (30%) and is 28.5 inches long (99%)! Doctor said he looks great other than the eczema. He's got it all over and it looks terrible. Our doctor recommended adding water softener to his bath water (Calgon), and its starting to show improvement. We also need to lather on a lotion to help. Until then, Little Man will be wearing long sleeves and pants so he doesn't itch his skin too much. Of course Friday at the doctor's office, he was fine and woke up Saturday with his right ear looking bad - so back to the office. Our doctor thinks that Adrian was itching his ear due to the eczema, opened the skin and the bacteria got in to cause a staff infection.
6 months = solid food and Adrian LOVES it! He was definitely ready for the rice cereal and leans forward to "help" you feed him. He also tries to grab the bowl cause we are way to slow at getting the good stuff into his mouth. He still is thrusting (pushing out with his tongue first), but getting much better each time. We've noticed a huge improvement from Friday night to Sunday night. Here are some pics from the first feeding
At 6 months:
- Wearing a size 2 diaper during the day and a size 3 overnight
- Wears 3-6, and 6 month clothes. I just boxed up most of his Newborn to 3 month clothes.
- Sits by himself
- Loves his monkey
- Loves playing peek-a-boo with Dada
- Jabbers all the time.
- Makes raspberry noises and says mamamamama
- Sleeps 10-10.5 hours at night. Goes to bed between 730/8pm and wakes up at 6am. Usually he sleeps through the night, but being sick and shots always mess that up for a few nights.
- Generally gets in two, 2 hour naps: 9-11am and 2-4pm
- He eats 8-10 oz at 6am, 2-3 oz at 830am, 10 oz at 1230pm, 2-3 oz at 430pm and 6-10oz at 630pm (28-36 ounces of milk throughout the day)
- Adrian is fussy from about 5-6pm everyday
- Loves being outside (we try to take him outside during fussy time)
- Adrian got his own pool in the last month and he loves to sit and splash a little everyday. We love it b/c it helps to cool him down.
- Puts weight on his legs and will "stand" with help from us
- If there is a TV on in the room he's in, he'll find it. Richard and I are mean and don't let him watch it yet, with the exception of some Olympic coverage.
- Still a great baby! Only fusses when something is wrong and stops when we've fixed it (excluding from 5-6pm daily).
- Loves to "read" the paper with Dada
- Still adores the cats! If they are in the room with us, Adrian will only pay attention to them. He's started grabbing
Adrian has changed our lives in every way imaginable, but we couldn't love him more!
Thanks Nanasita for the 6 Month B-day Excersaucer! I love it!!
Onto bigger better moments, Adrian weighed in at 16lbs 8ozs (30%) and is 28.5 inches long (99%)! Doctor said he looks great other than the eczema. He's got it all over and it looks terrible. Our doctor recommended adding water softener to his bath water (Calgon), and its starting to show improvement. We also need to lather on a lotion to help. Until then, Little Man will be wearing long sleeves and pants so he doesn't itch his skin too much. Of course Friday at the doctor's office, he was fine and woke up Saturday with his right ear looking bad - so back to the office. Our doctor thinks that Adrian was itching his ear due to the eczema, opened the skin and the bacteria got in to cause a staff infection.
6 months = solid food and Adrian LOVES it! He was definitely ready for the rice cereal and leans forward to "help" you feed him. He also tries to grab the bowl cause we are way to slow at getting the good stuff into his mouth. He still is thrusting (pushing out with his tongue first), but getting much better each time. We've noticed a huge improvement from Friday night to Sunday night. Here are some pics from the first feeding
At 6 months:
- Wearing a size 2 diaper during the day and a size 3 overnight
- Wears 3-6, and 6 month clothes. I just boxed up most of his Newborn to 3 month clothes.
- Sits by himself
- Loves his monkey
- Loves playing peek-a-boo with Dada
- Jabbers all the time.
- Makes raspberry noises and says mamamamama
- Sleeps 10-10.5 hours at night. Goes to bed between 730/8pm and wakes up at 6am. Usually he sleeps through the night, but being sick and shots always mess that up for a few nights.
- Generally gets in two, 2 hour naps: 9-11am and 2-4pm
- He eats 8-10 oz at 6am, 2-3 oz at 830am, 10 oz at 1230pm, 2-3 oz at 430pm and 6-10oz at 630pm (28-36 ounces of milk throughout the day)
- Adrian is fussy from about 5-6pm everyday
- Loves being outside (we try to take him outside during fussy time)
- Adrian got his own pool in the last month and he loves to sit and splash a little everyday. We love it b/c it helps to cool him down.
- Puts weight on his legs and will "stand" with help from us
- If there is a TV on in the room he's in, he'll find it. Richard and I are mean and don't let him watch it yet, with the exception of some Olympic coverage.
- Still a great baby! Only fusses when something is wrong and stops when we've fixed it (excluding from 5-6pm daily).
- Loves to "read" the paper with Dada
- Still adores the cats! If they are in the room with us, Adrian will only pay attention to them. He's started grabbing
Adrian has changed our lives in every way imaginable, but we couldn't love him more!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
5 Months ( A little late)
Our little man is 5 months old (on July 10) and we're enjoying him more and more. Adrian is learning a new noise every few days. Currently he loves to do raspberries. He's also learned that he can shake his head back and forth like he's saying "no." In the mornings when I feed him, he'll look for Daddy as soon as I sit him up to burp and when he sees him, Adrian gives Daddy the biggest smile.
Playing with Dada
I'll save updates for after his 6 month appointment, but wanted to quickly jot this down.
Sitting up!
Friday, June 22, 2012
4 months (19 weeks)
Adrian is 4 months old now and doing amazing! He rolled over for the first time on Monday 6/18 but I was the only one around to see it. On Wed he rolled at my mom's house and everyone got to see it. Daddy was especially excited. We all cheered and scarred him a bit. Sorry baby!
We had his 4 month appointment a week ago. He weighs 14 lbs, 11.5oz (31%) and is 25 inches long (72%). He had his vaccines and boy has this week been a tough one. We're not sure if its due to the shots or just being a baby, but Adrian went on a nursing strike earlier this week, then hasn't slept great for the past 2 nights. We think he may be over-tired, so we're going to move his bedtime to 745 tonight and 730 for the weekend. Hopefully this works!
Since my last post, the pools have opened up and we've taken Adrian twice - I didn't get any pics on my phone, so I'll have to download them later. He really likes the pool. He's a little nervous at first, but we hug him tight and he relaxes after about 5 minutes. He's an outdoor baby! We did some re-landscaping in our yard and he loves being out there with us.
For Mother's day, we did brunch at my mom's house and just relaxed! Adrian got Momma a Kohls giftcard and a Container Store gift card. He already knows that Mommy likes to organize!
For Father's day this year, we went on a mini hike, brunch at Mt Vernon, and tracked down the Bison herd in Genesee. Adrian got Daddy a new shirt and a home depot gift card.
My Dad (T-pa) is visiting and getting to see how much Adrian has changed since March when he was here last. Jen and Jess come tomorrow and we can't wait to see them. The last time they saw Adrian, he was 1 day old and has changed quite a bit :)
At 4 months:
- wears size 2 diapers at home and size 1 at daycare (she's trying to use the rest)
- wears size 3 month clothing and can fit into some 0-3 month but not much. I think he's ready for some3-6 month oneies.
-Starting to roll!
-Loves to sit on laps with assistance
-Loves his Daddy and Momma. Daddy plays great!
-Will put weight on his legs when I'm holding him.
-Big toothless grins!
-Starting to show signs of teething
-Attentive to his surroundings. Loves to take it all in. I think he's like Dad here and very inquisitive.
-Loves being outside
We had his 4 month appointment a week ago. He weighs 14 lbs, 11.5oz (31%) and is 25 inches long (72%). He had his vaccines and boy has this week been a tough one. We're not sure if its due to the shots or just being a baby, but Adrian went on a nursing strike earlier this week, then hasn't slept great for the past 2 nights. We think he may be over-tired, so we're going to move his bedtime to 745 tonight and 730 for the weekend. Hopefully this works!
Getting ready for the pool!
For Mother's day, we did brunch at my mom's house and just relaxed! Adrian got Momma a Kohls giftcard and a Container Store gift card. He already knows that Mommy likes to organize!
For Father's day this year, we went on a mini hike, brunch at Mt Vernon, and tracked down the Bison herd in Genesee. Adrian got Daddy a new shirt and a home depot gift card.
My Dad (T-pa) is visiting and getting to see how much Adrian has changed since March when he was here last. Jen and Jess come tomorrow and we can't wait to see them. The last time they saw Adrian, he was 1 day old and has changed quite a bit :)
At 4 months:
- wears size 2 diapers at home and size 1 at daycare (she's trying to use the rest)
- wears size 3 month clothing and can fit into some 0-3 month but not much. I think he's ready for some3-6 month oneies.
-Starting to roll!
-Loves to sit on laps with assistance
T-pa came to visit!
-Will put weight on his legs when I'm holding him.
-Big toothless grins!
-Starting to show signs of teething
Hangin' with Dad in bed
-Still 100% breastfed-Attentive to his surroundings. Loves to take it all in. I think he's like Dad here and very inquisitive.
-Loves being outside
Thursday, May 3, 2012
12 Weeks Old
I've been meaning to to a post about Adrian every few weeks, but life with a baby does mean a change of when free time is available.
Adrian will be 12 weeks tomorrow and I cannot believe how fast the time has gone.
At his last doctor's appointment (8 weeks), Adrian was 24" long (93%) and weighed 12# 2oz (54%), up from his birth stats of 21" long and 8# 3oz on 2/10/12.
- is wearing size 1 diapers (started really wearing them at about 7-8 weeks)
- eats every 3 hours during the day starting at ~615am
- wears clothing sizes 0-3 months and 3 months
(Easter Sunday nap)
- outgrew newborn clothes quickly (about 4 weeks old). He was just too long to fit into them.
- starting at 10 weeks, he sleeps through the night. Bedtime is 8pm and then I'll dreamfeed him at 1030p and he'll sleep until about 615am! We love getting a full nights sleep again.
- has been sleeping in his crib since he was 8 weeks old. Everyone is sleeping better since the switch.
- has been smiling for a long time (probably about 4-5 weeks old)
- has been laughing for the past few weeks. The kiddos at daycare love to make him laugh.
- talks and coos to us
- has his best time of day first thing after he eats, and between 4-6pm.
- loves his teddy bear bouncy seat
- has found both his hands and loves to stick his whole fist in is month
- has started drooling while sucking his fists
- loves seeing Daddy!
- loves SuperBaby
- starting seeing the cats this week
- started daycare on 4/19 and is doing great with Sandi. I also went back to work on the 19th.
- doesn't mind riding in the car
- only gets fussy when something is wrong. Once we fix it, he's a happy baby again. Of course, he gets fussy when its bedtime
- only takes a paci to help him fall asleep. He has learned our trick of only giving it to him at nap/bed time and will fight us for about a minute, then he loves his paci and will drift right off.
Adrian will be 12 weeks tomorrow and I cannot believe how fast the time has gone.
At his last doctor's appointment (8 weeks), Adrian was 24" long (93%) and weighed 12# 2oz (54%), up from his birth stats of 21" long and 8# 3oz on 2/10/12.
- is wearing size 1 diapers (started really wearing them at about 7-8 weeks)
- eats every 3 hours during the day starting at ~615am
- wears clothing sizes 0-3 months and 3 months
(Easter Sunday nap)
- outgrew newborn clothes quickly (about 4 weeks old). He was just too long to fit into them.
- starting at 10 weeks, he sleeps through the night. Bedtime is 8pm and then I'll dreamfeed him at 1030p and he'll sleep until about 615am! We love getting a full nights sleep again.
- has been sleeping in his crib since he was 8 weeks old. Everyone is sleeping better since the switch.
- has been smiling for a long time (probably about 4-5 weeks old)
- has been laughing for the past few weeks. The kiddos at daycare love to make him laugh.
- talks and coos to us
- has his best time of day first thing after he eats, and between 4-6pm.
- loves his teddy bear bouncy seat
- has found both his hands and loves to stick his whole fist in is month
- has started drooling while sucking his fists
- loves seeing Daddy!
- loves SuperBaby
- starting seeing the cats this week
- started daycare on 4/19 and is doing great with Sandi. I also went back to work on the 19th.
- doesn't mind riding in the car
- only gets fussy when something is wrong. Once we fix it, he's a happy baby again. Of course, he gets fussy when its bedtime
- only takes a paci to help him fall asleep. He has learned our trick of only giving it to him at nap/bed time and will fight us for about a minute, then he loves his paci and will drift right off.
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