Adrian is 7 months and I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone. On one hand, I can't believe he is already 7 months, but on the other hand it seems like he's been here forever. I don't know what we did before he was in our lives. I'll warn you, this is a little picture heavy as I've included some favorites from his 6 month photo shoot!

He also cut his first tooth on Sept 3 2012! The bottom center left tooth. (Update - 9/10/12 - got his 2nd tooth!) Now he wakes up at night needing a teething tablet and his paci to help his gums. But he goes back to bed pretty quickly.
At 7 Months:
- Adrian weighs 17 lbs, 2 oz. Not sure of his length.
- Wears size 6 month clothes. Some 3-6 and 6-9 month fit
- Wears a size 2 diaper and sleeps in a size 3
- Eating solid foods! He LOVES rice cereal and also eats sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, and peas.
- Still breastfed at everymeal (or has a bottle of breastmilk)
- Talks all the time... Amamamama and Bababababa
- Loves to laugh
- Grabbing everything!
- Loves to look around - its getting harder to distract him from the things we don't want him playing with.
- Loves his exersaucer
- Still swaddled at night and for some naps
- Takes 2, 2-2.5 hour naps a day.
In addition to the monthly updates, I want to document our daily schedule:
6am - Wake up and eat

7:30am - Leave for daycare/work
while at daycare: 8:30am - bottle (3-4 oz)
9am - 11am nap (sometimes longer)
12:30 pm - bottle (8-12 oz)
2pm - 4pm nap
4:30pm - bottle (3-4 oz)
5pm - pick up from daycare
6:15pm - dinner time: nurse, veggie then rice cereal
7:30 pm - bedtime: Atopiclair, lotions, PJs, Good-night animals, book, swaddle, bed. He doesn't fuss at all when it's time to sleep.
Some of my favorite 6 Month Photos:
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Monkey! |
Dad, you're tickling me!
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Okay, Mom. I'm about done with pics! |