Thursday, September 10, 2015

Big Brother Adrian!

As always, it's been a long time. But happy news to share - Adrian will be a big brother in January! I'm 20 weeks along and baby is perfect - we could not be happier. We also bought a new house!

I had a few blog posts drafted, but never posted them. One was about our miscarriage last year. I feel as though I should spend a brief bit of time discussing it. Last October, we went in for our first pre-natal appointment only to find that the baby was measuring small, no movement, and no heartbeat. We lost our child and with that a piece of our hearts. We'll never know the gender or what was wrong. I think coming off that experience, we've been slow to share the news of a new baby and definitely had anxiety the first trimester. 

With this baby, whom P-pa has decided to call "Dos," we had bloodwork done at 10 weeks and Baby's DNA is perfect. We could have found out the gender, but have decided to wait until the birth. Off subject, but how amazing is it that science has progressed to the point where it can isolate Baby's DNA from my blood!

With that, I'll start doing some pregnancy updates as I have enjoyed those from Adrian. 

20 Weeks Along ... 1/2 Way

This pregnancy is flying by and luckily I have felt great. Like Adrian, I didn't have any morning sickness, but am already experiencing acid reflux. My baby bump definitely pooped out eariler than last time (as I expected), and I'm already feeling baby move (starting at 18 weeks). I'm still doing BodyPump 1-2 days a week and feel great. I spent the first trimester exhausted. Seriously, I would Adrian to bed at 7pm and then myself to bed by 7:30/8pm most nights. So far in the second trimester, I've had more energy but still like a nap or early bedtime a few days a week. I've also gained 10 pounds so far - right on schedule for the 30 pound "goal"

size of baby?
Baby is about 10 1/2 oz now and 10 inches from head to heel. About the size of a banana. This week marks the change from measuring head to bottom to measuring head to heel :) 

what's going on in there?

Baby is practicing swallowing and is now producing meconium (black poo that is first seen with new borns).

maternity clothes? 

Yep - I started pretty early on the maternity pants and shorts. I can still get away with some non-maternity shirts, but I'm going for comfort these days. Thus far I've only bought 1 pair of jeans and 1 pair of shorts. I'm sure I'll be buying more, but I still have all the maternity clothes from my pregnancy with Adrian. 

stretch marks? 

I don't think I have any new ones. Some developed after Adrian was born, but honestly, they don't bug me. I'm putting lotion on a few days a week but not worrying about it.


Baby is a mover - just like big borther!

food cravings? 

Bananas, sweets, mexican food!

anything making you queasy or sick? 


what I miss? 

It's my favorite time of year for fall beers - so I'm missing the pumpkin beers and a glass of wine after a long day


Thankfully, no.


Sporting a little baby bump and acid reflux

labor signs? 

No - and hopefully not for a while



belly button in or out?

In, but starting to flatten out

wedding rings on or off? 

On - haven't started swelling yet


I'm a professional sleeper! I hate having to sleep on my sides, but it's not preventing me from sleeping. 

19 weeks | 11 weeks

Monday, May 18, 2015

Funny things said by my 3 year old....

"I not talking you" - when he's mad at us

"Thank you your 'pinion" - in adult.. thank you for your opinion

DIdn't want to forget these gems :)

Loving backhoe loaders, airplanes, trains, and the POOL

a little conversation:
"Noni, we go you pool?"
"Well bud, the pool isn't open yet. There is no water in it."
- taking his watering can (12oz), "That okay - I fill it"
Yep buddy, if you start now, you'll have the pool ready by September