More interested in Mom's dinner than her food.
Tried rice, eggs
No teeth!
Saying "mamamama" and some "dadada"

Wears size 2 diapers (probably ready for size 3)
Wears 6-9 month clothes
Eats 3 baby foods a day, 13 oz of milk / 4 oz of formula at daycare and nurses 3 times at home.
Loves cherrios
Loves playing with Adrian
Has a cute little flirty face where she turns her and looks at you.
She loves to snuggle into my shoulder (especially when my fluffy robe in on)
Official 9 Month Stats - 28.5 inches long (79%) and 17.0 lbs (29%)
10 Months!
We took the kids to Mexico over Thanksgiving and we loved the trip.
-No teeth
-Pulling up on everything
-Would rather eat food off my plate than her baby food. Love to feed herself
-Wears size 3 diapers & 9-12 month clothes
-Chases the cat
-Learned that Adrian's spot at the table will generally have "treats" for her to find. She's constantly crawling under the table looking for Cherrios!
- Loves the ocean, beach, and pool. Especially the sand
She has a noise for Adrian that almost sounds like his name.
Says Momma and Dadda (not fully directed at people)
Starting to sign (a little... food)