Tuesday, January 10, 2017

11 Months

Almost a full year has gone by and our baby growing! She's healthly, happy, and loves her people.

At 11 months, Isabelle
 - wears size 3 diapers
- wears 9, 12 mth clothes
- first Erie Parade of lights - liked the lights!

- got her FIRST TOOTH - the top fromt right, followed closely by her front bottom right. I think the top and bottom front left are coming through as well
-love to walk with us (holding our hands and walking around)
- loves to dance
- Says Momma, Dadda, & Ky-Ky (Kitty), she has a word for Adrian, but i haven't figured it out

- loves to re-arrange my bathroom cabinet
- goes through the kitchen cabinets
- loves to stand and reach up for items, then throw the item behind her to grab the next
- loves to snuggle anything soft (blanket & my robe)
- one of the first thing she does in the morning is waves (generlly to the door) and then I take her into our bedroom where she waves (and sometimes pats) Dadda
 - Re-arranges the Christmas tree lights