Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Isabelle - 2 & 3 Months

Wow... so she'll be 3 months on Saturday, so I better write down her 2 month stats so I don't forget:

At her 8 week appointment, Isabelle weighed 10lbs 10 oz (30%) and was 24" long (97%).

At 2 months:
- Isabelle wears size 1 diapers
- Wears size 3M clothes
- Eats every 3 hours starting at 630am
- Started smiling!
- I declared her officially sleeping through the night at 8 weeks (though she sometimes wakes jsut to suck on something)
- Bedtime is between 730 and 8 pm with a dreamfeed at 1030p or 11p
- Still sleeping in the bassinet next to Mommy
- Continues to have a bottle at night with Daddy

At 3 months:
- Smiles
- LOVES her big brother. She lights up when she sees him and tracks him around the room. The love is mutual - Adrian adores Isabelle and is so excited when he can get her to smile
 - Coos and talks to us!
- Started daycare on 4/25
- Loves her jungle and teddy seat. She has times where she tells us to put her down (don't hold me - I want to play)
- Found her hands and the kitty
- Enjoys her bath, but HATES getting out and having lotion put on
- Does great in the car seat and will generally fall asleep. This is great since we have a long drive to daycare (25 mins)
- Still sleeping in the bassinet next to Mommy

During my last 3 weeks of maternity leave, I noticed that Isabelle only wanted to eat from the right side, so I started going to a lactation group to have her weighed... while this was good, it initally caused more stress since their scale is different from our doctors. The difference in scale showed that she only gains 1 oz in 5 days (yikes) I took her to the doctor the next day (9 weeks old) and she weighted 10 lbs 15oz ( a gain of 4 oz during the week). Much better and I was relieved. I started to feed her on the left side first everytime and then the right and she eats just fine.

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