Size of the baby? Baby weighs 6.3lbs and is approx 19 inches long - and I'm definitely running out of room. I'm at the uncomfortable stage.
Maternity Clothes? Oh yes! There are still a few non-maternity stuff that I can wear, but that's getting pretty limited
Gender? Surprise!
Movement? All the time- I love watching my belly move with the Baby
Labor Signs? Braxton-Hicks contractions are now a normal part of my day. I've had maybe 1-2 true contractions, but nothing to get excited about.
Sleep? I toss and turn a lot now. And waking at least once a night to pee. I really didn't do this early on in pregnancy, so this is a new (and not so great) thing. I love sleep. Once I'm up it takes me up to 2 hours to fully fall back to sleep so this momma is tired!
Cravings? Back to Mexican and sweets!
Symptoms? I got some relieve this week.. Baby has started to drop (visibly so) and thus my acid reflux is much better - but I'm still tired of dealing with it
Exercise? At least once a week
I love seeing Rich's reactions to everything. He seems to be getting more and more excited (and overwhelmed). He wanted to take inventory last night of all the baby items and he gets really excited and cute when going through everything. He has been a super-stud of a supporter... he took my mom to get some final things for the baby yesterday which I am so appreciative for since I had to work.
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