Size of the baby? Baby weighs 7.5lbs and is approx 20 inches long - about the size of a mini watermelon
Maternity Clothes? Oh yes! There are still a few non-maternity stuff that I can wear, but that's getting pretty limited
Gender? Surprise!
Movement? All the time- I love watching my belly move with the Baby
Labor Signs? I'm in pre-labor.. meaning I'm having contractions but nothing constant or would make me think that I need to start timing them. The hospital bags are packed, my Dad is in town, and we are ready any day now!
To add to the symptoms from last time: my feet are super swollen. I only have 2 pairs of shoes that I can wear to work and neither fit great. They leave my feet with marks where the water has been pushed elsewhere. My weight is fluctuating anywhere from 3.5 - 5 lbs from the beginning of the day to the end (yikes!). I'm starting to feel some contractions, but they are not strong nor are they consistent.
Sleep? I toss and turn a lot now and waking at least once a night to pee. I miss sleep and can't wait to sleep on my stomach again
Cravings? Not really - my sweet tooth continues.
Symptoms? See above for more ... Baby has dropped some and my acid reflux was doing much better but it has returned
Exercise? Haven't been able to get that in
My Dad and Richard put together the bookshelves I got for Christmas and they look great. So thankful they were able to do that before Baby arrives. Now I can start to organize the shelves and make our front room look more put together.
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