Monday, June 24, 2013

Adrian is 16 Months

Well, we goofed as parents and missed Adrian's 15th month doc appointment, so we had a 16 month appointment instead.

We DAILY say that we cannot believe how much Adrian has grown and changed. He is all toddler and such a joy. We're reminding ourselves, that parenting is a daily thing and we need to be consistent with it. We're fortunate that our little man is really pretty easy. On Sat June 15, he had his first temper tantrum... my my, I could hardly hold in my laugh. Adrian pointed his finger at me and yelled "No, No, No!" and stomped his feet. He was mad at me because I would not let him turn my mom's printer on and off a million times and closed him out of the office. We grabbed his hand a led him to the living room to play with something else and he was fine.

He's learning how to communicate with us and loves to go to the playground.

We've been working on sign language with him and it's been great to have that communication tool. Currently, Adrian signs (it seems like he signs more than this, but I can't come up with more):
- please
- thank you
- apple
- keys
- corn
- all done
- eat / hungry
- more
- water

 His vocabulary is starting to take-off as well. He says:
- Momma
- Dadda
- Nandi (Sandi)
- Nana (for Nana, Nanasita, and Banana)
- Bye-bye
- Ca(t)
- Khan
- Quack
- Moo
- Gree (Hungry)
- No
- Woof
- Roar

16 Month Stats:
Weight = 20lbs, 6 oz (11%)
Height = 32 inches (61%)

We love our little man!!

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