At her 8 week appointment, Isabelle weighed 10lbs 10 oz (30%) and was 24" long (97%).
At 2 months:
- Isabelle wears size 1 diapers
- Wears size 3M clothes
- Eats every 3 hours starting at 630am
- Started smiling!
- I declared her officially sleeping through the night at 8 weeks (though she sometimes wakes jsut to suck on something)
- Bedtime is between 730 and 8 pm with a dreamfeed at 1030p or 11p
- Still sleeping in the bassinet next to Mommy
- Continues to have a bottle at night with Daddy
At 3 months:

- LOVES her big brother. She lights up when she sees him and tracks him around the room. The love is mutual - Adrian adores Isabelle and is so excited when he can get her to smile
- Coos and talks to us!
- Started daycare on 4/25
- Loves her jungle and teddy seat. She has times where she tells us to put her down (don't hold me - I want to play)
- Found her hands and the kitty
- Enjoys her bath, but HATES getting out and having lotion put on
- Does great in the car seat and will generally fall asleep. This is great since we have a long drive to daycare (25 mins)
- Still sleeping in the bassinet next to Mommy

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