We're in Austin this week..... and well that being said... it's HOT!! I know it's Texas and supposed to be hot, but that doesn't mean that I have to like it. Really its the humidity that kills me. I can handle the dry 100 degree temps in Colorado, but add 85% humidity and I'm not a happy camper.
We arrived yesterday with no issues and took the bus from the airport to our hotel for a whapping $0.50. Probably the best money spent. We only had to walk about 2 blocks from the bus stop to the hotel and if I weren't wearing jeans, it would have been fine. Given the whole wearing jeans part, I was warm (see above) and thrilled once we hit the AC. How people live without it in the south, I'll never know. We checked in at both the hotel and the conference then decided that food had to be in our future. From many recommendations, we tried Iron Works BBQ. It was good BBQ but they didn't have AC and I overheat quickly so couldn't fully enjoy the meal. Walked back to the hotel and spent many hours online in the lobby. Much of which was spent talking with other bloggers attending Netroots Nation. I was interviewed for an XM type radio. I tried (HARD) to get them to interview Rich since he's really the blogger and I'm not so much but they wanted to hear from me. I don't really get involved with the political blogging, but the guy wanted to hear about the blogging I do, which led to this site, which led to me reading this post. Hopefully, I don't sound like too much of a dork.
Today, I spent most of the by myself while Rich was attending sessions at the conference. I joined them for lunch at a local mexican food place but otherwise stayed inside. I went to workout and was shocked that they charge to use the gym here. So I opted for the $15 for the whole trip instead of $10/day usage. I'm hoping this will motivate me to use the gym daily since I am paying for it. I also got chapter 1 of the BEC Becker CPA book studied. My goal is to get a chapter a day done so that I'll be ready for the exam on the 29th. Now, I think I need a martini...
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