When we first started dating we would take walks in the afternoon at work. It was on these walks that we really got to know each other. As we would walk, he would always point out cool spiderwebs, flowers, butterflies, or other things that he wanted to make sure I saw. Over the years we've continued to take these walks in the afternoons when its nice outside.
So on July 7, Rich came by my office to take our afternoon walk. It was a little later than usual, but I'm always up for spending quality time with him. So we walked over to the park and sat under the gazebo for a while. He was being extra tender and sweet which wasn't all that out of sorts since he does that some days. Well it was starting to rain, so we decided to head back to the office. As we're walking back and he stops and bends over and says "hey Sara look at this" as he typically does when pointing out something and I'm thinking okay its raining, we're getting wet, and I don't see what your pointing at and have no idea what I'm supposed to be seeing, so I say "what am I looking at?" A typical response from me when I'm not sure what I'm supposed to see. So Rich is down on one knee "pointing out" this cool thing and then all of a sudden he turns back towards me and flips this gorgeous ring around and says "here" to get me to look at this "cool thing." I started freaking out.... he'll have to fill in the details, but breathing in shock, crying, smiling, etc.... Rich has this great speech prepared and of course I'm freaking out too much to really remember it all, but I got good parts and of course said YES!
Note: The pic was taken from my phone, so not the best quality. I'll try to get a better one posted later
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